Free Online Workshop: Reinvent Facility Management with Generative AI

Discover how Generative AI is transforming Facility Management: optimization of company resources, more efficient planning of interventions, and greater sharing of company knowledge.

Free Online Workshop!

Wednesday 29 May from 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning!

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Reserve Your Spot Now for the Free Online Workshop - "AI Act and Cloud Open Source: Creating Conformant and Secure Infrastructures in the Era of Generative AI"!

Book YOUR Ideation Workshop Now, A 1-To-1 Call To Implement Generative AI In Your Business.

Talk to building data, analyze trends, and identify AI-driven mitigation actions to optimize resources.

Generative AI allows Facility Managers to evaluate, in its complexity and totality, the trend of the data, their trends, the causes of the deviations and, above all, carry out an intelligent analysis that these variations entail and the actions to mitigate them.

Facilitate Facility Management with Generative AI.

Learn to use the Power of AI Agents to your advantage to optimize resources, improve planning, automatically generate detailed reports, and much more.

Smooth communication with data and intelligent resource optimization

Managing large complexes and buildings requires a holistic and integrated vision that often escapes due to data fragmentation and limited analysis capabilities.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) emerges as a paradigm shift, capable of uniting and interpreting vast streams of disconnected data – from energy consumption (light, water, gas) to financial management and the flow of people and services.

With Generative AI, facility managers can finally ‘talk’ to the data, transforming scattered figures and reports into coherent dialogues that reveal trends, discrepancies, and opportunities.

This technology not only makes it possible to accurately assess current and future performance, but also allows for proactive actions to optimize resources and improve services.

"Sorting" of tickets and intelligent intervention planning

Here’s the translation of the provided Italian text into English:

“In a world where speed and efficiency are not only desired but required, the Facility Management sector faces unprecedented challenges.

The large volume of daily tickets and the stress related to constant availability significantly burden the staff responsible for planning and dispatching interventions.

Generative AI can help you overcome these challenges by innovatively automating the ticket management process (ticket reception, request analysis, and the ‘cascade’ activation of necessary actions to automate and support this type of activity).”

Customized Detail Reports For Better Operational Efficiency

In the Facility Management sector, operational efficiency is crucial but often hindered by human and systemic limitations.

One of the biggest challenges is keeping technicians updated with detailed and current information necessary to perform their work efficiently.

The solution? Equip each technician with a detailed report that summarizes the problem, possible solutions, and lists the necessary equipment and spare parts required on-site.

This would allow technicians to be more prepared before carrying out their tasks and avoid ‘wasted trips’ due to a lack of relevant information needed for the intervention.

Technical Know-how Shared and Amplified with AI Assistants

In the dynamic sector of Facility Management, the knowledge and experience of technicians represent a true treasure. However, this valuable resource often remains inaccessible, confined to the minds of experts.

Imagine being able to transform this individual know-how into an asset accessible to all members of the organization.

Thanks to Generative AI, it is possible to ‘digitize’ and share the vast sea of technical knowledge, from past interventions to technical data sheets, creating a supportive AI Assistant that serves as a reference point for technicians and operators.

This revolutionary tool allows for the rapid identification of optimal solutions, democratizing knowledge and promoting a more collaborative and efficient work environment.

Why Participate?


You won't have to pay anything and you can also extend it to your colleagues and collaborators.

Cutting edge.

60 minutes of high-quality content on the Future of Facility Management.

Real-time demo.

Applications and practical advice to try in your business.


Personalized experience based on your needs.

Talking to Data

  • Integrated Data Analytics: Linking financial, operational and usage data, facilitating a complete view of building operations.
  • Proactive Forecasting and Adaptation: Identification of trends and prediction of future needs for early management of resources and infrastructure.
  • Resource Optimization: Implementation of data-driven strategies for the best use of energy resources, in terms of space and human resources.
  • Improved Decisions: Using data-driven insights for more effective maintenance, purchasing and supplier management strategies.
  • Continuous Improvement: Continuous and iterative analysis to detect and mitigate deviations before they become critical.

"Sorting" of Tickets and Planning of Interventions

  • Workflow Automation: Implementation of AI systems to automate ticket sorting, reducing operational footprint and improving resource allocation.
  • Reduction of Operational Stress: Minimization of pressure on employees thanks to the automation of repetitive tasks and intelligent planning of interventions.
  • Planning Optimization: AI algorithms that analyze and plan technician interventions, ensuring timely and efficient responses to tickets received.
  • Advanced Decision Support: Generative AI provides technicians with detailed information and in-depth knowledge for each intervention, increasing the effectiveness and quality of the work performed.
  • Improved Autonomy and Efficiency: Reduction of dependence on key personnel for sorting and planning, facilitating the management of turnover and the inclusion of new collaborators.
  • Continuous Innovation: The adoption of AI in Facility Management not only addresses current challenges but lays the foundations for continuous evolution towards operational excellence.

Reports Generated by AI Assistants with Intervention Details

  • Improving Access to Information: Provide technicians with detailed and updated reports for each intervention, ensuring that they are always informed about the problem to be solved.
  • In-depth Preparation: Equip technicians with all the necessary information before the intervention, from possible solutions to the equipment and spare parts required, significantly improving the quality of their work.
  • Reduction of Empty Exits: Thanks to detailed reports, technicians can arrive at the site of the intervention perfectly prepared, avoiding waste of time and resources caused by lack of information.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Precise knowledge of the problem and the specific needs for each intervention allows for more efficient planning and execution, optimizing the use of time and resources.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: More targeted and well-prepared interventions lead to faster and more effective solutions, increasing customer satisfaction and the perception of the value of the service offered.
  • Decision Support: The detailed reports act as a decision support tool for technicians, facilitating the choice of the most appropriate intervention strategies.

Increased and Shared Technical Know-How

  • Democratization of Technical Knowledge: Transform the individual know-how of technicians into a shared asset, easily accessible through the AI ​​Assistant.
  • Quick Access to Information: Reduce research and decision times by providing operators with immediate access to user manuals, technical data sheets and records of past interventions.
  • Increase in the Quality of Interventions: Improve the response capacity and effectiveness of interventions by exploiting a database of technical knowledge that is always updated and consultable.
  • Advanced Decision Support: The AI ​​Assistant suggests solutions based on previous use cases, optimizing time and improving performance in the field.
  • Continuous Growth of Know-how: Each new intervention contributes to the expansion of the knowledge base, ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of technical solutions.
  • Improved Collaboration and Training: Promote the exchange of information and continuous learning between team members, making training more dynamic and integrated with daily practice.

Generative AI is the new powerful weapon available to facility managers and directors.

Generative AI represents not only a solution but a real revolution for Facility Management professionals. This advanced technology offers the possibility of overcoming traditional operational limitations, bringing significant benefits in both the short and long term. Thanks to its ability to analyse, learn and produce content based on enormous quantities of data, Generative AI presents itself as an indispensable resource for tackling the daily challenges of this complex sector.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Book YOUR Ideation Workshop Now, A 1-To-1 Call To Implement Generative AI In Your Business.

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