Mastro AI: Transform Accounting Management with Generative AI

Mastro AI is the free solution for accountants that transforms your clients’ accounting management with the power of generative AI.

Are you an Accountant? With Mastro AI, you can offer your clients a faster and more informed financial review for free.

Mastro AI allows your Customers to monitor and analyze the trend of revenues, costs and cash flows, keeping sales, purchases, debt maturities, use of credit lines and much more under control.

Time Optimization

Mastro AI automates the processing of accounting and financial data, freeing accountants from repetitive tasks and allowing them to dedicate more time to strategic analysis and valuable consulting for clients.

Precision and Control

Mastro AI significantly reduces the margin of error in accounting operations, provides constant monitoring of cash flows and deadlines, guaranteeing customers accurate and timely financial management.

Enhancement of Services

By making Mastro AI available to their clients, accountants can improve the quality of the service offered, and support them with more informed decisions and proactive and prudent business management.

Answer Your Customers' Questions, in a few Seconds and with a Click, Thanks to Generative AI!

Master AI knows everything about your Customers’ accounts, and provides them with answers in a chat whenever a question is asked.

Conversational interface via Chat

Mastro AI is available on a chat conversation interface (ChatGPT style), where your customers can ask questions and receive quick and effective answers without the intervention of you or your collaborators.

Automatic Data Extraction

Mastro AI helps your customers to correctly view the income statement and balance sheet items, allowing numerical and graphical comparisons on their performance, even with a specific focus on customers and suppliers.

Punctual Data Analysis

Mastro AI can analyze your customers' business data to provide insights into their economic and financial situation, improving management control.

Real-Time Data Monitoring

Mastro AI helps your customers to correctly view the income statement and balance sheet items, allowing numerical and graphical comparisons on their performance.

Master AI

An AI Accounting Expert Always available to your Customers

Conversational interface via Chat

  • Fine-tuning of LLM on accounting and finance: Mastro AI leverages a state-of-the-art Large Language Model (LLM) specifically trained on accounting and financial terminology, ensuring that interactions and analyses are not only immediate but also incredibly precise, providing sophisticated insights tailored to the needs of each client.
  • Management Control Automation: With the ability to read and interpret large volumes of accounting data, MastroAI automates accounting management, allowing accountants to focus purely on strategic and creative consultancy.
  • Management Decision Support: Mastro AI provides prompt and accurate responses on clients’ business, economic, and financial situations, also offering the possibility to integrate predictive analysis and scenario simulations, aiming to support business decisions with a comprehensive and informed view of financial trends.

Automatic Data Extraction

  • Digitalization and Automatic Cataloging: Mastro AI transforms paper documents and digital records in your systems into an organized accounting knowledge repository, extending to invoices, receipts, and other client documentation. This process facilitates access to information and allows AI to “reason” about the data.
  • Seamless Integration with Existing Tools: MastroAI’s ability to seamlessly integrate with existing management systems, such as Fatture InCloud, the Revenue Agency, and Microsoft Excel, eliminates the need for manual entries and the possibility of transposition errors, making the workflow more efficient. This integration enables automatic data synchronization, ensuring that analyses are always based on the latest and most accurate information, significantly increasing the effectiveness of management control.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Mastro AI ensures that your clients’ data is always secure, subject to the strictest privacy and security protocols. This reduces the risk of your clients’ financial information being accessible to third parties outside the accountant’s purview. 

Punctual Data Analysis

  • Enriched Financial Assessments: Through advanced data processing and analysis, Mastro AI provides detailed assessments of business performance, highlighting key indicators such as liquidity, solvency, and profitability. This information enables accountants to guide their clients towards more informed and strategic financial decisions.
  • Targeted and Personalized Insights: Mastro AI goes beyond simple data analysis, providing detailed and personalized insights into the economic and financial situation of your clients. The AI can identify areas of strength, risk, and optimization opportunities, allowing accountants to offer targeted and high-value strategic advice.
  • Data-Driven Decision Support: Mastro AI equips accountants with a solid foundation of analytical data to support clients’ strategic decisions. From investments to cost reductions, each recommendation can be backed by detailed and timely analysis, increasing confidence in decisions made and optimizing the success potential of clients.

Real-Time Data Monitoring

  • Continuous and Updated Access to Financial Data: Mastro AI provides a constantly updated overview of the company’s financial health, allowing accountants and their clients to view real-time changes in income statement and balance sheet items. This immediacy in monitoring ensures that every decision is based on the latest information, maximizing the effectiveness of financial management.
  • Time Comparative Analysis: Mastro AI facilitates comparing current financial performance with previous periods, highlighting trends, progress, and areas of concern. This feature not only monitors current performance but also evaluates the effectiveness of strategies implemented over time, supporting informed and targeted future planning.
  • Proactive Alerts: Mastro AI can proactively contact your clients with intelligent alerts on issues such as exceeding spending thresholds, payment delays, or significant deviations from budgets. This proactive approach ensures that you and your clients are always one step ahead, ready to act quickly to address and resolve any issues before they can negatively impact business performance.

MastroAI frees accountants from operations, allowing them to provide strategic and targeted advice.

In the world of accounting and tax consultancy, accountants are facing an increasingly complex challenge: managing a wide portfolio of clients with diverse needs, often with limited resources within the firm. This reality translates into a high workload and the need to provide quick and accurate operational responses on income statements, balance sheets, and other financial matters, which can become a daunting task, especially during peak periods. In questo contesto, l'AI Generativa e, in particolare, soluzioni innovative come Mastro AI, rappresentano una svolta epocale. L'adozione di Mastro AI trasforma il panorama lavorativo per i commercialisti e i loro team, automatizzando l'analisi dei dati economico-finanziari, e riducendo drasticamente il tempo impiegato per le attività routinarie e ripetitive. Questo non solo alleggerisce il carico di lavoro ma apre anche nuove possibilità per concentrarsi sulla consulenza strategica, permettendo ai professionisti di aggiungere un valore significativo alle imprese che assistono.

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